mutual love continue.
Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers,
for by doing that some have entertained
angels without knowing it . . . “
Our Hospitality Ministry (Greeter) Program here
at St. Christopher continues to be a welcoming attribute
to out parish since it was first implemented back in 2008.
However, as many of you may not know, our
Greeter program has changed a bit in that we no longer require Greeters
to officially sign up and be
scheduled on a weekly basis. We now operate our Greeter Program
strictly on a volunteer basis.
What does that mean for me? Glad you asked!!!
If you happen to find yourself early to Mass and would like to help out
with this ministry,
please feel free to choose an entrance door where you can hand out
bulletins and welcome
people into our church. Following Mass, Greeters are also asked to
inspect the pews for any
missallettes or bulletins left out of place, and to return kneelers to
their upright position.
We appreciate any and all help in making St. Christopher a warm and
welcoming place of
worship for all who enter our doors.